I visited my sister and girlfriend in Qingdao (China) last weekend). It was pretty rad. Stuff in China is dirt cheap at the expense of it being, well, dirty.- Spent the whole weekend partying, basically.
- I'm kinda jealous of how I make like 3 times more than my sister in Canadian dollars, but she can afford to buy like 3 times more stuff than I can! Stupid economies...

- Qingdao beach

- Crazy statue thing

- Choking the Chicken!

- A crazy hat

- A crazy dog

- Girls gone wild, Qingdao edition!
Also, I FINALLY got my internet. It is fucking fast! Fibre optic baby! The guy did the speed test and it was like "85MB/s, 91MB/s, 88MB/s"... Seriously!
And I FINALLY got my stuff from IKEA! I now have a sweet shelf! And an incredibly sweet easy chair (which is also my bed). I would contend that it is the most comfortable chair of anybody in Co-op Japan!